We had such a great experience touring from the subway to the Lincoln Memorial. Cheryl Maddox was one of our board members and chaperones who joined us as we witnessed the beauty and construction maintenance of D.C.
Although the sun was blazing, we had a great learning experience. This was the students first time riding on a subway and walking for miles everyday, viewing and experiencing historical sites.

The 21st Century Teen face emotional battles that the 20th Century Teen never had to face 🙈. For example, if someone at school started a rumor about you in 1996 👀, the only people who knew were school mates and the possible friends and teacher/coach of the gossiper 😒 (BTW, we had landline phones and beepers back then 😳). Fast forward to 2019, when someone gossips, that rumor is spread to the world through social media and the world can now judge you 😩.
Kalin's point, "I feel like teens feel like they can't speak up without being judged 🧐 or looked at differently."
The judgement and pressure teens feel today is not only peer based, but pressure 🥺 😖 is coming from parents, school, family, community and now social media, contributing to depression and fatal coping methods 😱 😢. We are losing healthy, positive child-adult attachment and communication (positive child-adult interaction = 🥰).
Remember to 🤗 👏 ☑️ and ❤️ our youth. Later, you will reap the 😌😇.
(Period!) 😘
Reference: https://childmind.org/article/is-social-media-use-causing-depression/
The journey continues through Washington D.C. Our visit to the White House was informative. The secret service disclosed some secrets that are not shared in history class. Do you know who built the White House?