I often speak of the village concept for the wellbeing of youth. But, I want to express my gratitude for my village who support me, especially in this journey with GP. To each parent who allows your teen to participate in each activity and Jeneb Coleman who took the lead this month to make sure our Teen Talk was on point! Collin Wright, who asked how he can help, THANK YOU! I do not take the time you share lightly. I really appreciate each volunteer!
"April showers, bring May flowers," is a popular cliche that is true this year in Kanas City. It is also true for Generation Prodigy as well. April showered us with a lot of information to help us grow as an organization.
As we move patiently, listening to mentors and team members with valuable wisdom, May brought us more youth. We are excited to see GP students bloom into more confident and focused individuals.
We are preparing for our second pilot tour, Washington, D.C. and our third Teen Talk! We have experienced laughter, tough times and tears. Help us congratulate every young person who chooses to persevere through hard times, excel in spite of opposition and face their fears.

If you know a student that is interested in working with the police department or the FBI, the Kansas City Police Department (KCPD) are inviting youth ages 12-18 to attend their KCPD & FBI Youth Night. The event will take place Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 5:00PM. Learning information about how to react to emergency situations or witness a demonstration of a response is something every student should learn. Please join us as we educate ourselves on the operations and career opportunities with the Kansas City Police.