Generation Prodigy has experienced a lot since 2018. Since March, we were unable to meet with our students in person, which brought disappointment. But, we have been able to reach teens via social media and by phone. Thank you for your support throughout the year and we are making plans for 2021-22!
From the Board and Students of Generation Prodigy, Merry Christmas!
All teens are invited to a LIVE panel discussion about 911 calls and career options. Have you been curious, wondering who is on the other side of 911 calls? Or how you could work for the police department? Join us @generationprodigy1 on Facebook or follow us at #gpteentalk.

This year has been a new normal for many teens. From virtual classes to socially distant activities, not to mention a heightened political climate. Join us LIVE on our Facebook page @GenerationProdigy1, as we have an honest dialogue about People, Police & Politics.